Josiah Blackmore

Josiah Blackmore

Nancy Clark Smith Professor of the Language and Literature of Portugal
Chair, The Standing Committee on Medieval Studies

Research Interests: Medieval and Renaissance Portuguese Literature and Culture; Camões; the Maritime Humanities; Lusophone Imperial/Colonial Studies; Manuscript and Book History; Iberian Studies; Gender and Sexuality Studies; Philology.

Academic Degrees: B.A., M.A., Ohio State Univ., Ph.D., Harvard Univ.  ITT International Fellow (Univ. de Lisboa).

Josiah Blackmore is Nancy Clark Smith Professor of the Language and Literature of Portugal in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures.  He specializes in the literature and culture of medieval and early modern Portugal, with an emphasis on the writings of maritime expansion.  He also does work in medieval manuscript studies and the history of the book.  He has lectured in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and South Africa, and has served as Visiting Professor at Harvard and the Univ. of Chicago. Prior to Harvard, he was on the faculty of the University of Toronto.

Josiah Blackmore is the author of Moorings: Portuguese Expansion and the Writing of Africa (2009, selected as a Choice Outstanding Academic Title) and Manifest Perdition: Shipwreck Narrative and the Disruption of Empire (2002).  He co-edited Queer Iberia (1999) and edited the re-release of Charles R. Boxer’s The Tragic History of the Sea (2001) and the Songs of António Botto (2010) in the English translations of Fernando Pessoa.  He has published many articles and book chapters on medieval Galician-Portuguese poetry, historiography, Camões, shipwreck theory and literature, and other topics on Portuguese literary culture through the twentieth century.

Works in progress include a book on the textual dimensions of the vast, oceanic enterprise of Portugal through the seventeenth century (The Inner Ship) which also considers the cross-disciplinary possibilities of scholarship that the culture of the sea invites. Another book on medieval poetry (Heart and Mind in Medieval Galician-Portuguese Poetry) extends in new directions lines of inquiry presented in earlier publications.

Editorial Board Member, Humanidades Book Series, Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal.

Contact Information

Boylston Hall 322
p: (617) 495-1931